Thursday, May 21, 2009

2009 Unity Shabbaton

This August, the weekend of the 8th, to be exact, will bring one of the annual highlights of the Klal Yisrael activities of the Council. The Annual Unity Shabbaton brings together Jewish adults from across the denominational spectrum for a Shabbat of prayer, study, and good food.

The proven format for the weekend includes three Rabbinic presenters, who both lead sessions in parallel Shabbat afternoon, and share a panel discussion on Parashat Hashavua on Shabbat morning, provide an educational and engaging platform for a series of discussions about Judaism and Torah.

There are parallel prayer services, conducted in both an egalitarian and Mechitzah environment, so that all attendees are comfortable during Tefillah.

Read more about the upcoming Shabbaton and see how to register at our website, Hope to see you there!

We plan to add more material here with this posting and to provide an area for participant comments.

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